Durham County
HomeSolid Waste, Recycling, and Litter Control
Holiday Updates:
Collection for recycling will not be impacted for the Winter holidays.
All three convenience sites will be closed on 12/24, 12/25, 12/26 and on 1/1/25.
Welcome to the Durham County Solid Waste Management Division. Here you will find links to the solid waste services provided to the unincorporated residents of Durham County.
Use the guide below to determine your recycling pick up day, print out a recycling collection calendar, and find out where to dispose of various items.
Please call 919-560-0433 with any questions.
Click on the links below for information about our programs.
- Convenience Sites
- Roadside Recycling (also includes information about garbage collection companies)
- Litter Control
- Computer & Electronic Waste
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
- Convenience Site Master Plan
Helpful Resources
- Durham County Solid Waste Ordinance [DOC]
- May 2016 Solid Waste Ordinance Amendment (PDF)
- DCo Solid Waste Brochure
Please note, our service area is outside of the City limits of Durham. Therefore, we do not service residents who live within the City of Durham.
Durham County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or handicap or on the basis of sex. To report discrimination, please call 919-560-0000.